On July 8, 2021, a debate was held in the European Parliament, with the assistance of a representative of the European Commission, about the need to defend our social and labor conditions and avoid social dumping, with the intervention of two Spanish MEPs.
The questions asked by MEPs, were on the table largely thanks to the insistence and lobbying carried out by the unions that are part of the ETF, including SITCPLA, coordinated through said Federation.
International Cabin Crew Day
SITCPLA today celebrates, in collaboration with the ITF and trade unions and associations around the world, the International Cabin Crew Day and joins in support their professionalism, helping to safeguard safety on board the planes every day of the year.
By clicking this link you have the joint ITF-IATA statement supporting our cause.
Aviation unions call for universal access to COVID-19 vaccines and treatment.
ITF called this week for governments to pass an emergency waiver to grant universal access to Covid-19 vaccines, treatments and equipment.
The ITF Civil Aviation Section Committee raised urgent concerns at its meeting last week on vaccine inequality. The Committee stated strongly that this is an emergency, a moral question and an industrial question. As such, aviation unions must join the public calls for a waiver:
The recovery of aviation is tied to global recovery from the pandemic.
It is very clear we will not recover until everyone recovers.
Labour Day 2021 - ETF Open Letter
Today is the first of May, a day for workers and their unions to celebrate their achievements and unity.
The European Transport Federation, to which we belong, has sent an open letter to Europe’s policy makers to remind them about the reality of transport work today in Europe. This letter is a wake-up call for Europe’s policy makers to act on the foundations of the transport sector in Europe. We are urging them to show political will and take action for Fair Transport now.
International Transport Workers' Federation
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is a democratic, affiliate led federation, recognized as the world's leading transport authority.
The ITF is one of the global union federations, which are part of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). SITCPLA is a member of ITF.
Link to access the ITF page:
European Transport Workers' Federation
The ETF is the European section of the ITF, to which SITCPLA is directly affiliated.
Through the Civil Aviation Section and the Joint Aircrew Committee, we negotiate with the employers and European authorities everything related to air transport, for example, the FTL.
Link to access the ETF page: