Regulations in force
Alcohol testing on flight and cabin crew
As of February 14, 2021, the European Authorities will begin to carry out random alcohol testing on flight and cabin crew members during ramp inspection. EASA’s regulation is common to all Member States.
EASA's updated ramp inspection manual is available on its website and can be accessed through the following link:
Likewise, each Member State may also apply its own national legislation. In the Spanish case, the random alcohol testing will be carried out as part of the SANA / SAFA / SACA ramp inspections, by a ramp inspector, an AESA official.
The tests will always be carried out after the presentation on the flight. The refusal to take the test equates to a positive result, with the same administrative and legal consequences.
S.I.B. 2020-02R3
Please also note that the EASA Safety Information Bulletin 2020-02R2 issued 2 April 2020 is still in force along with the two safety directive.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that – as a result of ETF lobbying - both safety Directives make it mandatory to have universal precaution kits on each aircraft. In the previous SIB it was only a recommendation.
Safety Directives SD-2020-01 and SD-2020-02
Safety Directives SD-2020-01 and SD-2020-02 Operational measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus `SARS-CoV-2` infection published recently by EASA. SD-2020-01 is applicable to National Authorities, while SD-2020-02 is applicable to Third Country Operators (TCO).
FTL EU Regulation 83-2014
EASA FTL FAQ 01.04.19
Recently, the Spanish Aviation Safety Agency, AESA, has published its own FAQs, which complement those published by the European Aviation Safety Agency, EASA, on topics not covered by the latter, to facilitate the understanding and interpretation of FTLs.