jurSITCPLA has a law firm with a broad experience in the scope of labour law. This legal counselor service is available for our members in the union headquarters.

• LABOUR COUNSELING AND ASSISTANCE IN THE COURTS, free for SITCPLA members (starting 12 months after having joined us).

• GENERAL LEGAL COUNSELING, without assistance in public bodies, free for SITCPLA members.

• INDIVIDUAL LEGAL MATTERS (contracts, rental contracts, separations, divorces, adoptions, inheritances, fines, sanctions, taxes, etc.). Special rates for SITCPLA members.

Legal counseling hours: mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays in our headquarters. Prior appointment through our secretary is needed.

Información práctica
C/ Alaró 3, local. 28042 Madrid
Tlf: 91 032 79 71 - Fax: 91 563 24 04
Horario: lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 15:00
Administración: info@sitcpla.es
Secciones sindicales